My Approach
None of us are immune to hardships and trials in this life, but we don't have to walk through them alone. It's helpful to find a safe space and someone to walk alongside for support and guidance as we navigate the way through the present and the past. In my own journey I've been so blessed by others who have been that for me, and I am grateful for every opportunity I'm allowed to comfort others in the ways I've been comforted. How do we learn and grow through the pain, discover more of who God has made us to be, and trust Him as He works it all together for good? I'd love to walk alongside and help as you discover this path in your own life.
About Me
I currently reside at my home on The Carpenter's Farm. Much of who I am was shaped growing up in this environment. Throughout my younger years, I always felt empathy and compassion for others and wanted to "help people" in some way but wasn't quite sure how.
Due to a love for math, I majored in Industrial Engineering and Business, but after a short three years in Corporate America, I soon discovered that wasn't for me. In 2004, God called me into full-time vocational ministry to use the skills He had given me to help "people" and not a "product." I spent the next 19 years working for various non-profits and churches. Being a part of pregnancy centers, retreat centers, recovery centers, life group's ministry, women's ministry, and more, continued to deepen my passion to help people feel seen, valued, and to know there's hope no matter the situation.
From serving many women in 19 years of ministry, and as a woman who has journeyed through many of life's struggles and heartbreak myself, I'm humbled to serve now as a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor. My focus is predominantly working with women dealing with issues such as self-worth, anxiety, depression, codependency, boundaries, and more.
You are seen, heard, and valued. None of life's trials have to define you. There is hope, healing and more to your story. I would value the opportunity to be a part of your journey to discover the more God has for you.
Individual Sessions
Individual 50-minute counseling sessions are available for predominantly women ages 18+. Telehealth sessions can be held via video for your comfort and convenience. Limited in-person sessions are available. Counseling will focus on women's issues such as:
Self-worth | Depression | Anxiety
Relationships | Abuse | Trauma
Addiction in the family | Stress Management
Spiritual Growth | Grief | Life Transitions
Codependency | Boundaries

"He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul."
Psalms 23:2-3